Quantum Skills For Coaches


Annette’s videos

Then scroll further down for links to leaders in the quantum field

Award-winning author of “The Power of Project Leadership” and fellow leadership coach, Susanne Madsen, interviews Annette about the approach she takes to her work.
Part 1. Annette describes a simple formula based on a natural law that we can all use to enhance our own lives and those of others.
Part 2. Annette goes into more detail on using the E+R=O formula in our everyday life situations.
Part 3. We see how the effect becomes the cause in our formula for living.
Part 4. Annette demonstrates a basic breathing technique we can use to help keep our emotions from driving unhelpful behaviours.
Part 5. We look at another way of managing our unhelpful emotions – dissolving them!
Part 6. In the last video in this series Annette talks about one of the most impactful choices we can ever make to enhance our own lives and make the world a more harmonious place for us all to inhabit.
Another version of Seeing the Spark
Another powerful choice we can make in our lives.
Annette explains how her Quantum Skills for Coaches techniques can add a new dimension to your coaching practice
Seeing the Spark – in French
Seeing the Spark – in Spanish

Links to leaders in the field where quantum physics meets the human condition
